This update required us to work in a memory increase for the different areas. When updating your watch your settings will reset after 1-5 minutes. This is because we weren't able to keep the settings in between the updates. While updating during those minutes the clock may act strange. We apologize for this and hope that you will find the new features worth the struggle.
Smart device update:
We've now released our smart device update! With this update, EcoWatch can now control your smart device outputs in a super easy way!
Once paired with the watch, you can select the following settings for each switch:
- On for low
- On for medium
- On for high
- Off for tariff
On each hour, the switch will toggle on or off depending on your settings for that switch. The switch also forces an update when saving changes for EcoWatch or the device itself.
You can pair the devices in the new 'device' menu found on the web interface.
1 kommentar
After update to 3.3.0, clock only spins green lights around the edge. Cannot connect to clock (has been unstable, so it might work, just no yet).